It's been just a year or two (or twenty-five) since I matriculated to Indiana University in the Fall of 1991 (...and yes, I just gasped out loud when I did the math in my head - holy cow). I make it back to the always picturesque Bloomington campus a few times a year for football, basketball, and baseball games, and it always brings back a flood of fond memories.
This time around I couldn't resist stopping by the iconic Sample Gates on the way to Assembly Hall for a basketball game. Perhaps one of the most recognizable and photographed sites on campus (three other groups of people were snapping pics in just the few minutes I was there), I was astonished to learn the gates were only built in 1987. The hulking Indiana Limestone arches look and feel as though they've existed since the University was founded, but I guess if I were just a few years older, they wouldn't be such a part of my college memory bank (again, I gasp at just how long it's been since I walked through them the first time...)
I also remember watching alumni tailgate before games when I was a student and wondering just how old you had to be before it was "acceptable" to wear an IU sweater vest or cardigan to show your school spirit as opposed to sweatshirts and tear-away candy stripe pants. Somehow, that age seemed much older than I feel now, though I think I'm closer than I want to believe. Se la vie.
I'm a fan of showing your school spirit in whatever style speaks to you, whether it's body paint, a hoodie, or even a cardigan that borders on ugly-Christmas sweater territory. My own (perhaps slightly over the top) cream and crimson candy striped dress from eShakti echoes the ever popular warm-up pants but still suits my personal style (I actually have the warm-up pants, too, but I sleep in them). Go Hoosiers!
Fashion is what you buy; Style is what you do with it!
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